Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Reflective post

It is my first time to experience the integration of weblogging into education. I always thought that the weblogs function as manifestations of personal feelings or sharing of the same interests. But here weblog is a platform learn and build up more dimension to the course, it make the course more interactive. We can read other students work and exhange comments to gap the inadequacy in our own studying and reading through this online community. It give us a a chance to explore more and reach further whereas in real space, it would be much harder just by doing it alone. It also induces inspiration though discussing the issues in the course interactively.

On top of that, I’m amazed by Donna Haraway’s idea of cyborg. I’ve never thought of that before. Realizing that the technologies we use and encounter in our daily life indeed turn us into cyborg in some extent, even as small and common as things like wearing contact lens is kind of freaky in some way. But it inspire me to think more about what role are we playing in such advanced technological era, and what it leads us to. How are we going to see ourselves as human?


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